You are looking at the title and saying what the heck? A conqueror and major Abrahamic religions? Get outta here. How can this pertain to libertarians or anarchists for that matter? For those unfamiliar with the name “Temuchin” that was the actual name of the Genghis Khan (which is a title) who built the foundation of the Monogol empire. In addition, he and major religions violated the NAP on a consistent basis and held very few if any modern day libertarian or anarchist views themselves. So that begs the question – what can we learn from this dude and major religions?

What we need to do is take a big picture view and look at the overall methodology from these central structures to gain fundamental insight on how they came into being and more importantly how they are/were run. Temuchin used violence, but his diplomacy brought multiple tribes in Mongolia with different ideologies together to bring about a fighting force that would become one of the world’s biggest empires. What is interesting about this is that it used initial decentralized protocols to create a fighting force that could take on the Chinese army then conquer most of the Earth. Empires all fall eventually, but we can learn how the organizational structures exist and then reverse engineer it to prevent further central constructs or institutions from existing – to do this, we need to look at how world religions are run.

Monotheistic religions are predicated on customary law and rules that inspire social rules based on metaphysical concepts to bring about social order. In simple terms people say based on their religious beliefs they will not engage in theft or violence due to a god saying it is wrong.

This might not be ideal for anarchists reading this who want to go hardcore in philosophy but on the surface it works to create social cooperation which provides the ability and the environment to create wealth. This is all common knowledge so now we can bring the two concepts together to see how they work together. When anarchists or their cousin ideologies (minarchism, libertarian socialism , etc) realize that they have fundamental pillars which are voluntary association, decentralized creation and maintenance of rules, and communities that run on a small scale we take take those values and integrate them in creating coalitions of real freedom.

These coalitions might have different ideas on how property works, or social norms functions, or how energy could be used but if we take the one god or the one important rule of voluntary association into account we can forge something strong that functions in a decentralized fashion but how can this be done. I think it is incumbent on people who call themselves black flag anarchists, panarchists, or anarcho-pluralists to take a big picture view of anarchy, in a similar way to how Temuchin did of Mongolia, but then implement the same structure of decentralized order through the convention of monotheistic religions.

What this looks like in simple terms is removing or getting involved in movements that promote decentralization to the local level and then using a form of anarchy (anarcho capitalism, syndicalism, communism, etc) to organize a society based on customary law that uses reputation and signaling as a back drop. In addition, those who have a lot of knowledge could be highly encouraged to engage in pseudo law like arbitration such as debates, disagreements, and conflict resolution between multiple types of anarchists and even anarchists in the same group.

For instance, ask your ancap rep to help with property rights when it comes to the syndcalists trying to unionize and see how to solve it using social cooperation and diplomacy instead of violence. So in conclusion to bring this together to fix the problems of centralization we can take a big picture vieew of anarchy, like Genghis Khan and Mongolia, and unite all anarchist tribes on the basis of voluntary association then help to make it function using decentralized order as a world federation based on cooperation actions of anarchists of all different flavors. You might be saying well how is that possible the best way to do this is to make anarchist ideas the dominant view among all populations over time and that is why we are here. Let’s coalition and build a better world!