Was sent a recent tweet by Kat Kanada, bemoaning a surgery. She shows a person who got a double mastectomy, and captions it, “This is not healthcare. This is Mengele level mutilation and experimentation. The doctors deserve to rot in prison for eternity.”

There’s a problem with the internet, in that it often encourages people to speak where uninformed. To post an image, and a message, and let peoples’ minds fill in the blanks. And often, accompanying messages will begin to fill in those blanks. This is especially true on X. Because posts with Community Notes on them are ineligible for monetization, people will post something that’s more difficult to fact check, like an opinion statement, and then include that which they think “provides context” next in the thread. The Tweets further down reify the opinion above, and get Retweeted, and if they get checked, the original still makes money.

In this case, the lie she wanted to tell begins in her next Tweet, where a literal Nazi is posted as an “accurate source” with no actual proof behind his statement, where he said, “It was the Hitler that STOPPED transgender surgeries on children in Germany! It was actually Jews who were doing these operations in Germany before Hitler stopped them…”

The original Tweet was a reply to her, and she decided to uncritically boost this Nazi and praise Hitler.

After this, she posted another thing about trans child surgery, and doubled down on her Nazi boosting and Hitler praising, with a National post article about minors in Canada getting trans-affirming mastectomies.

And then she doubled down by claiming, “Teens don’t get breast cancer. And if a young person does, the odds are 1 in a million and the treatment is never a double mastectomy.”

So this gives us plenty to start on fact checking this fascist cunt. For the first bit, let’s talk about “one in a million”. This is your brain on Google. She Googled this, doesn’t know the subject, and doesn’t need to. Because the source included says this:

Between 2012 and 2016, the incidence rate for female breast cancer in 15- to 19-year-olds in the United States was 0.1 in 100,000. This equals 1 teen in 1 million. These statistics were included in a 2020 study published by the American Cancer Society (ACS).

And it’s the first source on Google for her claim on numbers, but it includes nothing to confirm that breast cancer in teens never results in a mastectomy. A thing she could have found out was false by scrolling just a little bit further. According to results you can also get from a Google search, a mastectomy is absolutely on the table as an option. For instance, Breast Care Center Miami says:

Treatment for breast cancer in teens depends on how far the disease has spread and the teen’s general health and personal circumstances. All of these factors play an important role in what steps are taken. Some of the treatment options include surgery – in these cases, a lumpectomy or mastectomy is conducted. A lumpectomy includes the removal of the tumor and surrounding tissue. A mastectomy involves the removal of the whole breast. Depending on how far the disease has spread, either option may be best. 

Not enough? Nikia Hammonds-Blakely wrote an essay personally detailing how she not only had a partial mastectomy as a child for her teen breast cancer, but how she got the rest done when she had remission as an adult.

So after a lot of prayer, and a lot of being smart and listening to my doctor’s advice, I asked for a partial mastectomy of the left breast. The doctors would remove not only the lump, but enough tissue around it so it would minimize the chance of recurrence. I also agreed to a full summer of radiation treatments. This plan was my way of taking it one step at a time, and seeing what would happen. My doctors told me that with the partial mastectomy and radiation, if it looked as if the cancer was removed, I may be able to avoid chemotherapy. That’s what I hoped and prayed for.

This must be more of that “Mengele-level experimentation” this Nazi warned us about. Not enough? A teenage boy, assigned male at birth, even had a mastectomy for potential breast cancer. Kevin Wood details this in a story for Today.

My mom and I went to see a specialist. He was a friendly gray-haired guy, super chatty. He prodded and nodded; then, the word surgery came up. I sat on the examining table, quiet, listening to his voice. He sounded far away. He wanted to remove the growth just in case. But it probably isn’t cancer. I was confused. I think it’s fine. Let’s carve it out anyway. I looked at my mom as we drove home — her eyes directly on the road. She later told me reality didn’t sink in until she saw the word mastectomy on the hospital chart. Why did just-in-case surgery have the same name as surgery for when a cancer-ridden breast is cut off?

He also detailed how when he told a teacher he’d be late on an assignment for surgery, and described it, “She looked at me, brow furrowed, unsure what to say. I shrugged and walked away, red-faced.” This shows the need for people to actually understand and be sensitive about these topics. To internalize the fact that someone might be going through something they don’t get, and instead of posting about them on social media and making assumptions, putting their bodies on display for propaganda, we should let their decisions be theirs, and try to understand. Further, here’s a study that starts its age cohort for mastectomies performed for cancer at 18. Another study plainly said:

Survival is similar among AYAs who pursue breast conservation therapy compared with mastectomy (assuming all other disease characteristics are equal); however, AYAs are more likely than older women to choose bilateral mastectomies.26 This finding may be explained by several issues of particular importance to AYAs with breast cancer. First, 16.9% of AYAs with breast cancer harbor a deleterious genetic mutation that might impact surgical decision making, compared with 10.7% of women with breast cancer at any age.27 As genetic testing typically takes 2-3 weeks to result, it is imperative to offer germline genetic testing to all AYAs as soon as possible after diagnosis. Guidelines recommend consideration of risk-reducing bilateral mastectomy among women harboring BRCA1/2PALB2TP53, and other germline mutations that predispose to breast cancer.24 AYAs with germline TP53 mutations may opt for mastectomy due to their high risk for secondary radiation-induced malignancies.28 Lifetime risk of ipsilateral or contralateral new primary breast cancer is significant among AYAs with breast cancer, and patients with contralateral breast cancers have inferior survival compared with patients with primary breast cancers.29,30 Second, when compared with women older than 60 years, AYAs have a nine-fold higher risk for local recurrence after breast conservation therapy.31 This finding is likely due, at least in part, to differences in disease biology. Third, concerns about sexuality, fertility, and body image impact decision making about local therapy options in young women. This underscores the importance of multidisciplinary psychosocial support for AYAs with breast cancer.32 On the one hand, desire for breast symmetry may drive some AYAs to opt for bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction over lumpectomy or unilateral mastectomy.33 On the other hand, women who hope to bear children in the future may choose unilateral (rather than bilateral) mastectomy in hopes of supporting future breastfeeding; lumpectomy and radiation may decrease lactation in the treated breast.34

So to be clear, in this study published by the American Society of Clinical Oncology, which starts their cohort at 15, the younger they are, the more likely there’s a genetic factor in their cancer, and the more likely they are to seek mastectomy. But all this is real inconvenient to this Hitler fangirl. So she just pretends it doesn’t happen.


Also convenient is her never actually looking into the person in the photo. And it turns out, they were not a child when they got their mastectomy. They clarified this on Twitter, saying:

Congrats! You found me. This will be (hopefully) my only fckng tweet here. 1) No, i was not a minor when i had top surgery in 2017 2) Yes, it was top surgery, I’m not a cancer survivor 3) I’m not even from your country, can y’all just mind your business fgs???

They further clarify:

Don’t worry, it’s been happening literally since i posted that pic in 2018 lol Luckily i don’t care about ppl opinions and i reaaaaally like my body, but it bothers me that they always use my pics to attack trans children/teens

And while Kat’s right that this particular person is not a breast cancer survivor, her “source” is… a Graham Linehan Substack post…

… which also lies about them being a child.

Just a constant volley of lies. And reverse image searching Zack’s photos results in many thousands of bigoted hacks making similar assumptions, and all of them are wrong. They aren’t a child in the pics. They’re an adult now and they were an adult then. But those who uncritically boost Nazis or support similar anti-trans nonsense to the Nazis that burned a ton of trans research after Hitler took power, don’t care. They don’t need to. They’re just here to profit off of the misery they cause by ignoring reality and lacking compassion for medical patients and minorities. They’re ghoulish jackbooted authoritarians, using this as a component of a program against anyone they can call leftist. They’re here to “stop degeneracy” just like their Hitlerian allies. To rig people against minorities, so they can rally populist support for all their other bullshit, no mater whose rights they trample in the process. And they’re making a lot of money doing it.

And one more thing. There’s precisely zero evidence Magnus Hirschfeld, or anyone else Hitler stopped, was doing trans surgeries on Children. But on Elon Musk’s Twitter, there’s a giant flashing “X” where facts should be. And he likes Nazis, and doesn’t care when they lie. One of his first moves was reinstating Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin, after all. So of course Nazi allies like Kat Kanada and fascist crying grifters like Graham Linehan don’t need facts. They just need to make you angry at their chosen minority, so you support their statism. Just like the Nazis.

But hey, while we’re on the subject of Nazis, be sure to read one of many upcoming articles I wrote for The Free Thought Project, where I go over why these Nazis still have such a hold on the economy and politics. Because America and the West created and enabled them.

“3 Things THEY Don’t Want You To Know About NAZIS” [CLICK HERE]