Welcome to AnarchUnity

We’re done waiting.

For as long as the state has existed, it has perpetuated itself upon the division of the masses. It’s a neat trick. They keep us fighting on the ground, looking down from their ivory towers, and they point us at garbage, time-wasting, soul sucking, fighting between each other, if not sending us to war. But not to get ahead of ourselves, aye?

So who are we? We are a group of people trying something new. See, the state can only keep its power if we keep fighting each other – because there are more of us than them. And every second our barrels are pointed at each other is one they aren’t pointed upward, to the top of the towers, at those who made things this way. And so, we are riddled with round after round – after round after round on social media, at dinner tables, on the job, in the streets, all bleeding much, and for… what?

So we can get back to the corporate grind for the banksters, the billionaires, the butchers, and their bills. To serve an ever expanding series of empires, around the world, and to expand them and their resource control until the resources are gone, and the planet is a desperate waste heap. Those in charge will have been long gone on their escape pods they had us build, finding new spheres to dominate, destroy, and desert, and we will fight for scraps until all is lost – forever…

… or will we?

We see an end. We also find a beginning, either now or within it, and a foundation for a new future. There is a way. We don’t know it perfectly yet, and hell, we might see it differently enough to scrap on occasion, but ultimately, we have the same end goal: freedom, and fighting those who would keep us from it. The only solution is “pointing our barrels upward”, that is, not at each other. A metaphor, for using our skills to enrich liberty, and moving forward with a cohesive, coherent, capable message that offers a hand to the hopeless, and an ear to the earth, waiting for the rumbling of freedom to shake their towers down. So come and listen, read, and get involved, because our words here? They’re only the beginning…

You in?