• Iconoclastic Thinking and Anarchy

Iconoclastic Thinking and Anarchy

By |June 11, 2024|0 Comments

Hi, everyone. My name is the Anarco-Appalachian and I am happy to have a chance to get my thoughts and ideas out to an audience that might appreciate them. Moving forward I plan to start a series of articles on the use of iconoclastic thinking as a way of dispelling the myths and illusions that state, society, and propaganda have firmly embedded into the minds of people in this [...]

On The Proper Moral Sentiments Of An Anarchist

By |February 19, 2024|0 Comments

To speak of our morality is to speak of our foundational justification for choosing to be anarchists. Indeed, that is true for all political, economic, and social positions: the why of every choice finds its answer in our moral principles, whatever they may be. The importance of clearness, conciseness, and consistency in such principles is thus not trivial: confusion in our principles lead us to apologize for actions that [...]

The Natural Right of… Abortion?

By |February 19, 2024|0 Comments

Read the original post on X. If there is one issue that divides libertarians, and even some anarchists, it is the issue of abortion. It is, after all, a very serious topic for individuals, and people on both sides are incredibly passionate about their position. Pro-life individuals correctly declare that the unborn child is a human life, and is therefore entitled to their natural right to life. They view [...]

  • statism

Justice in Anarchy

By |February 3, 2024|0 Comments

Read the original post on X. Justice is an ideal that goes hand-in-hand with Liberty. While they are viewed as synonymous with one another, they are two very different concepts. Liberty, as I define it in my book, “The Liberty Solution,” is “the right of the individual to invoke sole dominion over their own life to act as they see fit, provided the act in and of itself does [...]

  • Ghoulish Fascists Kat Kanada And Graham Linehan Lie About Surgery

#FreedomFactCheck 3: Ghoulish Fascists Kat Kanada And Graham Linehan Lie About Surgery

By |January 14, 2024|0 Comments

Was sent a recent tweet by Kat Kanada, bemoaning a surgery. She shows a person who got a double mastectomy, and captions it, "This is not healthcare. This is Mengele level mutilation and experimentation. The doctors deserve to rot in prison for eternity." https://twitter.com/KatKanada_TM/status/1745686065552523278 There's a problem with the internet, in that it often encourages people to speak where uninformed. To post an image, and a message, and let [...]

On The Question of Unity

By |January 11, 2024|0 Comments

In previous articles written by my fellow writer Kareem Maize, he had proposed to both look at how anarchists could organize themselves in harmony with each other, and what is the main foundation which all forms of anarchism share. While the ideas expressed in the articles are interesting in their own right, what caught my attention was how they both shared a certain viewpoint regarding unification between anarchists: the [...]

  • Anarcho-Unity

Anarcho-Unity and its Necessity

By |January 10, 2024|2 Comments

Read the original post on X. Anarcho-unity encapsulates the idea that individuals among diverse anarchist ideologies unite to achieve the common goal of pursuing liberty. It embodies a shared understanding that while differing in approaches and beliefs, unity is essential to break the chains of oppression and foster societies built on voluntary cooperation and individual autonomy. Among the myriad of anarchist philosophies lies a unifying thread, an aspiration to [...]

Solving The Duality Of Decentralization: What Is Anarchy?

By |January 6, 2024|2 Comments

The famous question always comes up when you say, "hey I'm an anarchist" - if someone doesn't tell you to move to X country or get in a fight, they ask, "well what is an anarchist" or "what is anarchy". I think this can be answered in two ways based on my analysis. I know ancaps, ancoms, agorists, and mutualists might say "well my version of anarchy is this [...]

World Federation Of Anarchy: What anarchists could learn from Temuchin and world religions

By |January 6, 2024|2 Comments

You are looking at the title and saying what the heck? A conqueror and major Abrahamic religions? Get outta here. How can this pertain to libertarians or anarchists for that matter? For those unfamiliar with the name "Temuchin" that was the actual name of the Genghis Khan (which is a title) who built the foundation of the Monogol empire. In addition, he and major religions violated the NAP on [...]

Funding or Freedom: A Response To Jeremy Kauffman

By |January 5, 2024|0 Comments

Jeremy Kauffman is a libertarian political activist, and founder of Lbry, which became Odysee. Full disclosure: Odysee's Thomas Zarebczan gave me 1000 LBC to get started. Unlike some people, I plan to be fully honest and transparent about such financial disclosures. Because in this case, something so hilariously reality-bereft happened that I like... can't not say something. Reason Magazine put out a piece challenging the claims of fash-adjacent, anti-woke [...]